Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I can't remember what I did today!


I went to the supermarket..

I also helped my parents clean out their room. They are re-painting it you know.

It was so hot today! 104 Degrees F! It's actually been like this for a long time. Just so hot, but it is starting to get cooler. Slowly. Sometimes it gets so hot, the heat wakes me up from my sleep. I open the windows, but it is still so hot. That's the summers for you..

I made a new friend on Englishbaby. She is from America, and she lives in San Fransico. Her name is Lea, I collect Leah's :)

Did you know that I am the medicine man?

That's right.

My hugs can cure any disease. (hehe)

Someone played a joke on me Sunday. I was talking to Leah, and then her friend came on and pretended to be Leah's sister. Leah got mad because her friend, Kaylie, stole her computer when she wasn't looking. I believed her too!

My computer keeps acting up. It's the MSN messenger. It keeps not letting me type. I don't know what's wrong with it, but it agitates me really bad.

I have been working on a microphone for a few days. I am trying to get it fixed so I can use it on MSN, but there is something wrong with the sound card I think. I have three computers, and it works on the others, and not on mine. Hmm..

Look at these new words I learned:

Dilapidated - Old, worn out, abandoned.

Preppy - A style of clothing that is really expensive.

Pneumonia - An acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs and caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants

In Hungarian, this is called "tüdőgyulladás."

1 comment:

LLL0110 said...

Oh, I know I forgot the Fairy Tale; I am about to go put that in RIGHT NOW.

Good night!