Wednesday, August 8, 2007


nothing extra happened todayi got up so early today to speak to Leahit was funny because we both was so tiredand our every second word was WHAT? or WHAT DID YOU SAY?aww and she said too am getting better in englishi dont think so but she's the chief and it makes me happy
ahh i even passed the morning bus i had to run to catchand get on... fortunatly there was a lot of people in the bus stopthe work was as usuall just a single dayexcept i left a lil bit earlier
today i had a chat with my Ernest friendhe's who is in Spain nowHe told me they (he and his girlfriend) are going to Madrid tomorrowi envy he a lil bit because i love to travel too and i cant see that
i took a look at my earlier posts and i saw some failurei guess i made some right now too
i watched a film "the good german" before sleepinghmmm not so bad you can check it if you dont have to do anything elsebut WHO was the GOOD german????? If you gotcha tell me please!! okay?wow it's late i have to sleep BYE BYE

1 comment:

LLL0110 said...

Hey, and today, we both overslept! haha