Tuesday, August 7, 2007

freaky day

umm it's late so i'll be short today
Today i met a guy from the same high school what i attended
He knew me (tell the truth i have bad memory and am always in trouble because of this :P)
but i couldnt remember him...sorry but it was fun
He's doing part-time job as me in the same factory :)

After i arrived home i watched the Hannibal rising
I liked it but it was a lil bit weird, they ate Hannibal's sister
i dont tell you more about it. Check it out

aww i even forgot it. i got a postcard from Spain today
yaay i was so happy i got it from my best friend

I got today an intersting letter/mail and i looked after it
And as i thought it was fake... Somebody told me she's from africa
and need some help etc...
More about it here: http://419.bittenus.com/7/5/Awa%20Gukama/index.htm

1 comment:

LLL0110 said...

Peter! Peter! I owe you 2 songs!! Haha. I guess you really want me to do it. Hehe.

Well. I guess I will tell you what I meant by "rich" in our convo.

Man! I wish I could get my letter! Grr.. (Remember?)

I think you are getting pretty good with the posts! They are getting longer! Nice job!