Monday, August 6, 2007


okay i'm here now second time (somebody gonna sing :))
Today i read an e book It was english okay It's not such a big deal for you
but i'm hungarian so it was hard to me to read 30 pages of boring economic stuff
At least i understood it so i'm a lil proud of me And i learnt some new word
for example:
current assets
current liabilities
working capital
When i finished today my boss jumped me:he said i should get back i'm too hardworking
man nobody has ever told me this... now i feel so confused...
Umm after i got home i saw a couple of funny videos on afternoon
I planed i saw the Hannibal rising and write some english letter but i passed up
I need to check all tomorrow i dont wanna be lazy
That's all Folks

1 comment:

LLL0110 said...

Ha! I feel sorry for that person who has to sing! :D:D

AH man! I was laughing when you said "My boss jumped me" That was too rich.

Good job with the english economics; that stuff is boring even when you are native.