Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Promise is promise

well i really dont know what i'd have to write over here
but i promised i make today a pretty big cool awesome post
for one person, a girl who i just call Sissy but she's real name
iiiiiiiiiiis ......... ummm god damn i dont know her name, i really forgot it
awww let me cheat a lil bit..... ohhh yeah she's Leah

yeah that was a pretty good job Peter you've wrote now 5 good lines
maybe it's even enough for today.... you thought it but i'm just kidding

okay i also tell you some story of my life ..okay just one of my week or day
well i start with yesterday. First! I finally got my postcard from
that L letter person!!! I was so elated. This word i also was learnt by she
i think she makes me better in english week by week (i shank you if you dont think so too)
she's always biting my butt i do this blog (dont tell her i told you this please,
she gonna pimp slap me or worst pop ah cap) well i dont think this is the right
slang of those thing i wanna tell you but i dont know how shall i tell
and i guess you know what i mean... Ahh i even forgot about it
Leah is 16 years old. We was talking through 3 months and
all this time i belived she's 19. This is all her fault she uses fake datas everywhere
and so what if she's from Kazahstan or Indonesia or worst
she's an ex-serial killer I cant trust her any more (kidding)
Today i was watching the film Forst Gump First after i read the book Forest Gump
It's so different than the book but i liked both...
for example in the book he didnt run trough America but he walked in the space
At least my fav. skit when the president ask him "Gratulation How do you feel...?"
and he "I gotta pee" Well i love it all

okay i think it's even long enough maybe more than i wanted and
maybe you may sing me two songs in return because i was so great :-)

1 comment:

LLL0110 said...

Wow, oh wow, oh wow. Haha. THAT WAS MARVILLOUS!

Great job, I applaud you. Haha. I just got back from AA, and what did I say? 10 oclock. It is actually 9:42, but whatever.

HAHAHA I was laughing so hard when you starting putting all of our slangs in there. That was great. "SHE GONNA PIMP Slap me!"

I can't belive you forgot my name you jerk.

Not kiraly.

Hey guess what, I found out that someone I know went to Hungary. I mean, I knew he went to a foreign country, but I didn't know that it was Hungary. WOW.

I also liked you biggest post ever. I was jealous, I could never make a post that long :( tee hee.

Ok I think this is the longest COMMENT I have ever made. It's enough now. :)